This morning was as magical till I saw this girl walk by (hold on - this is not what you think you've read and thought of a million times before). She looked lost in a happy way, and the light that seemed to play hide and seek with her beautiful hair, somehow managed to pass through the tiny little spaces, to land on her face. I could not help but peep out of my window to look back as I drove forward - wish I had experienced this in slow motion. She looked beautiful.
As I drove along, the smile obviously stayed longer and the strumming of the acoustic guitar (as if playing somewhere far away in the background), continued to be my companion. The almost divine experience lead me to ask this question aloud - 'You exist everywhere, don't you?" And no, I wasn't thinking of the girl - but talking to god at that time. 'Yes' came a voice from inside, to which I said - 'Well then, have a conversation with me'. And for the next 45 minutes as I drove around with the morning breeze kissing my face, I had no mental maps. What I had instead, was a date with divinity.
Divine of course it was, but through this experience, we shared our joys, some of my 'not so happy' experiences ('coz god only seemed to have happy ones), thoughts around what the larger purpose of life is, and people who we love and care about. In bits and pieces - I also shared with god, my experiences of the mad after party I went for in Barcelona. Strange how we discussed just about everything...
At the end of those 45 minutes, the pleasantries happened and we decided that we will meet yet again - sometime soon, whenever I wanted to. 'How unconditional' I thought - my date was ready to meet me WHENEVER I wanted to!
While there were a lot of things my divinely beautiful date left me with, what he made me realise (yet again), was that he has and always will be a part of me. Strangely enough, he seems to think that I don't take him out on as many dates as he deserves to.
And just so I start doing this more, here's hoping I see those pretty faces more often, and the next time hopefully in slow motion!
Jokes apart - if my inner voice could be GOD just for those 45 minutes today, maybe there is god inside each one of us.
After all, I am only as human as each one of you...